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Science Quiz For Hss

Science Quiz For HSS

1.Which is the major chemical present in Kidney-Stone
Ans:calcium oxalate
2.You may have noticed a white precipitate on the beak of NaOH bottle in laboratory. What is that white precipitate?
Ans:calcium carbonate
3.Which is the polymer present in commonly available chewingum?
Ans:poly vinyacetate
4.How many carbon atoms are minimum necessary for a compound to be a ketone?
5.What is the full form of CT in CT-scan?
Ans:computed tomography
6.Full form of ELCB?
Ans:earth leak circuit breaker
7.Smallest flowering plant in the world?
8.scientific name of Tapioca?
Ans:Manihot utilisima
9.The branch of science dealing with the study of Insects?
10.The substance which give yellow colour to fruits ?
11.Green colour on boiled egg yolk is due to...?
Ans: Iron sulfide. / Ferrous sulfide.
12.Mirache is due to …. ?
Ans: Total Internal Reflection.
13.what is the importance of Sept 24 ,2014 as of Indian science is concerned ?
And: The day on which MANGAL YAN began its revolution.
14.Couple astronauts are ….. ?
Ans:Valentina Tereshkova and Andriyan Nicholayev.
15. Who shared the Nobel prize for physics along with Madame Curie and Pierre 
 Ans:Henri Becquerel.
16.Percentage of copper and silver in 916 gold ornament ?
Ans: 8.4%.
17.Chemical name of aspirine is … ?
Ans: Acetyl Salicylic Acid (ASA).
18.Fruity smell of pine apple is due to … ?
Ans: Ethyl butyrate.
19.Synthetic rubber SBR is … ?
Ans: Styrene-Butadiene Rubber.
20.Dettol contains … ?
Ans: Chloroxylenol.



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